
What Is The History Of The Schipperke Dog Breed?

Schipperkes were initially bred in Belgium in the 1600s as working dogs on barges and canal boats. They were also used as watchdogs and ratters. The breed faced a decline in numbers in the late 1800s but was saved by a few dedicated breeders. The first Schipperkes were brought to the United States in 1888, and the American Kennel Club officially recognized the breed in 1900. Today, Schipperkes are still used as working dogs, but they are also popular companion animals.

What Does A Schipperke Dog Look Like?

The Schipperke Dog is a small, black, spitz-type dog. The breed’s most distinguishing features are its thick, double-black fur coat and pointed ears.  The Schipperke Dog’s coat is medium in length and dense, with a thick undercoat.  The breed does not shed much but does require regular grooming to maintain its glossy coat.

How Big Is An Adult Schipperke Dog?

The Schipperke Dog is a small to medium-sized dog breed. Males typically weigh between 10 and 13 pounds, while females usually weigh between 8 and 11 pounds.  The average height of a male is 11-13 inches  and that of a female is 10-12 inches. They are considered a toy breed, but their small size does not make them any less robust or active. They have a square build with a short coat that is black in color. Their ears are erect, and their tails are docked.

Are There Other Dog Breeds Related To The Schipperke Dog?

The Schipperke is a unique and distinctive breed of dog that originated in Belgium. While it is a distinct breed on its own, there are some other breeds that may share certain similarities or have historical connections to the Schipperke. However, it’s important to note that these relationships might not be direct or well-established. Here are a few breeds that have some potential similarities or connections to the Schipperke:

  1. Belgian Shepherd Dog (Groenendael): This breed is also from Belgium and is part of the same general region as the Schipperke. While they are different in size and purpose (Belgian Shepherds are larger and typically used as herding or working dogs), they share a common country of origin.
  2. Pomeranian: The Pomeranian is a small breed that shares some physical characteristics with the Schipperke, such as a fox-like appearance, erect ears, and a thick double coat. However, the Pomeranian is generally larger and has a different historical background.
  3. Keeshond: The Keeshond is another small-to-medium-sized breed that is similar in appearance to the Schipperke. Both breeds have a plush double coat and distinctive facial markings. However, the Keeshond has a different history and originates from the Netherlands.
  4. Finnish Spitz: The Finnish Spitz is a small breed with a fox-like appearance and a curled tail, somewhat resembling the Schipperke. However, the Finnish Spitz is from Finland and has a different temperament and purpose.

It’s important to note that while these breeds may share some visual similarities or historical connections, they are distinct breeds with their own unique characteristics, histories, and purposes. The Schipperke is a breed with its own distinct characteristics, including its small size, black coat, pricked ears, and lively personality.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of A Schipperke Dog?

The life expectancy of a Schipperke Dog is around 12 to 15 years. They are a relatively healthy breed, but like all dogs, they are susceptible to some health conditions. Some of the most common health problems in Schipperkes include hip dysplasia, epilepsy, and eye problems. Your Schipperke should enjoy a long and healthy life with proper care and attention.

Can A Schipperke Dog Be Trained?

Schipperke Dogs are very intelligent and can be trained to do various tasks. They are often used as working dogs and can excel at obedience, agility, tracking, and herding. Schipperkes are also known for being great service dogs and can be trained to assist people with disabilities. With the proper training, a Schipperke Dog can be an excellent companion and loyal friend.

Schipperke dogs are fascinating and unique in many ways. Here are some interesting facts about Schipperkes:

  1. Small But Mighty: Schipperkes are a small breed, typically weighing between 10 to 16 pounds and standing around 10 to 13 inches tall at the shoulder. Despite their small size, they are known for their energetic and fearless nature.
  2. Tailless Wonder: Schipperkes are often referred to as “tailless” because they naturally have a very short tail or a tail that is tightly curled over their back. This unique tail adds to their distinctive appearance.
  3. Eager Watchdogs: Schipperkes have a strong guarding instinct and are known for being excellent watchdogs. They are quick to alert their owners to any potential intruders or unusual noises.
  4. Mischievous and Curious: Schipperkes are highly intelligent and curious dogs. They love exploring their surroundings and can be quite mischievous, often getting into things they shouldn’t. This curiosity also makes them excellent at problem-solving.
  5. Black Coat: The Schipperke is most commonly seen with a solid black coat. In fact, the breed standard for Schipperkes does not allow for any other coat color in many dog show competitions.
  6. High Energy: These dogs are bursting with energy and require regular exercise and mental stimulation to keep them happy and well-behaved. They excel in agility and other dog sports due to their agility and intelligence.
  7. Family Companions: Schipperkes are known for forming strong bonds with their families. They are often very loyal and affectionate with their owners, making them wonderful companions.
  8. “Little Captain” Origins: The name “Schipperke” is derived from the Flemish word “schip,” which means boat or ship. These dogs were originally bred to work on barges and boats in Belgium, where they served as ratters, watchdogs, and general helpers.
  9. Vocal Communicators: Schipperkes are quite vocal and have a distinctive, high-pitched bark. They use their voices to communicate with their owners and to alert them to potential dangers.
  10. Longevity: Schipperkes are generally healthy dogs with a relatively long lifespan for their size. With proper care, they can live well into their teens.
  11. Noisy Not Nasty: While Schipperkes can be noisy, they are not known to be aggressive. They are usually friendly with people, although they can be reserved or cautious around strangers.
  12. Versatile Abilities: Schipperkes have been used in various roles throughout history, including as herders, hunters, and even circus performers due to their agility and trainability.

Remember that while these facts provide a general overview of the breed, individual dogs may vary in temperament, behavior, and characteristics. If you’re considering getting a Schipperke, it’s important to learn as much as you can about the breed’s specific needs and traits to ensure a happy and fulfilling relationship.

How Does A Schipperke Dog Interact With People?

Schipperke dogs are known for their independent nature, but they can be very affectionate with their family and friends. They are intelligent and active dogs that need plenty of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy. Schipperkes do best in homes where someone is around most of the time, as they enjoy companionship and being part of the family. They can be reserved around strangers, but they are usually friendly and outgoing once they get to know someone. Schipperkes are loyal companions that make great family pets.